A Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document or written authorisation that must be signed in front of a Notary by which you empower an experienced and trustworthy person to act on your behalf in legal matters or transactions.
If you cannot come to Spain, you can make a POA in your own country by visiting a Notary Public.
Reuters Solicitors in Spain will draft the document in a bilingual version so that the notary can identify parties, witness you signing the document and give faith about it.
Once the POA is signed, it will be sent to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London or Milton Keynes for The Hague Apostille to be attached to the Notarised document.
REUTERS SOLICITORS drafts the Power of Attorney in double column, English and Spanish, so that you know exactly what powers you are signing over to our lawyer/s. Moreover, this form will save you money as you will not need a ‘Sworn’ translator of the document.
POA example:

An Apostille is a certification for authenticating documents for use in foreign countries.
An apostille is placed directly on the POA document in the form of a 9×9 centimetre stamp and must always be titled “Apostille” (Hague Convention of 1961).
Apostille example:

Hemos vendido una casita en Candeleda Espana. Por covid no podemos visitar para hacer los papeles.
Tenemos una amiga que queremos dar el poder legal.
Quiero POA en doble columnas porfavor.
S Bailey
Buenos días Bailey,
Nos hemos puesto en contacto con usted por email.
Por favor, revise su correo.
Un saludo
Buenos días,
Necesito un poder notaríal de este tipo. Podrían ponerse en contacto conmigo? Gracias de antemano.
Buenos días María Guadalupe,
Gracias por su comentario.
Nos hemos puesto en contacto con usted a través de su email.
Un saludo
Buenas tarde una pregunta tengo que mandar poder India para vender algo yo vivo aquí España puede hacer poder en english
Gracias mi dice algo antes posible
Estimado Satnam,
Reuters Solicitors puede ayudarle con el poder.
Nos pondremos en contacto con usted por privado para informarme al respecto.
El equipo de Reuters Solicitors
I require a poder in 2 names (sisters) to give POA to their brother who is a Spanish resident to sell a house and open/ close bank accounts to do with the sale of the house. Spanish and English for sending to a notary in UK and use in Spain.
Thank you
Dear Mike,
Thank you for contacting Reuters Solicitors. It will be a pleasure to assist you with this matter.
We will send you a private email with relevant information about the process. Please check your emails (and spam box).
Can a power of attorney from California be valid in Mexico?
Dear Marta,
A power made in California will be valid in Mexico if it is written as per Mexican laws and requirements.
Best regards
I need a POA for a property in Mexico
Dear Jennifer,
A member of our team will contact you during today.
Could you please state a price for the preparing a power of attorney for Spain.
I need my son to represent me in dealing with my late wife’s will and for transferring
the house and car to himself.
Dear Keith,
Thank you for contacting Reuters Solicitors. It will be a pleasure to assist you with this matter.
We will send you a private email with relevant information about the process. Please check your emails (and spam box).
My parents who live in the UK have made a cash donation to me who lives in Madrid. I need to get the donation notarised in order to complete modelo 651 but since my parents will be remaining in the UK I need to act on their behalf at the Spanish notary when the donation is declared. Would you be able to provide a POA document in Spanish and English that they could sign in the UK in from of a public notary there? Could you give me a price please?
Dear Thomas,
Thank you for contacting Reuters Solicitors. It will be a pleasure to assist you with this matter.
We will send you a private email with relevant information about the process. Please check your emails (and spam box).
Could you please advise the cost of drafting a power of attorney that meets the Spanish law requirements. We will require a bilingual version Spanish/English. The power of attorney is to executed in Australia with a local public notary. Thank-you.
Dear Rafael,
Thank you for contacting Reuters Solicitors. It will be a pleasure to assist you with this matter.
We will send you a private email with relevant information about the process. Please check your emails (and spam box).
Could you please advise the cost and time of drafting a power of attorney that meets the Spanish law requirements. We will require a bilingual version Spanish/English. The power of attorney is to be executed in the United States with a local public notary. I was advised by my family in Spain that it is needed in just a few days time unfortunately. Thank you.
Dear Noelle,
Thank you for contacting Reuters Solicitors. It will be a pleasure to assist you with this matter.
We will send you a private email with relevant information about the process. Please check your emails (and spam box).